Information for Students and Parents
The Secondary School at the British School of Bucharest follows the National Curriculum for England, leading to International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE / GCSE) and a wide range of A-Level and International A-Level subjects.
The Exams at BSB brochure provides comprehensive information on the subjects available, fees, the annual examinations timetable, access arrangements, study leave, receiving results and the options available after receiving your results as well as information about certificate collection.

Student exam briefings
Exam briefings are held twice a year for all students taking external examinations at the British School of Bucharest. The first briefing of the year covers issues relating to non-examination assessment, including coursework, malpractice and signing the candidate declaration. An exam briefing also occurs before Easter where all candidates are informed of the regulations surrounding written examinations and the process of special considerations. The following documents are shared on the Exams at BSB Google Classroom, but are also available here:
BSB Information for Students 24-25 (Information for Candidates taking external exams at BSB)
IFC Coursework Assessments 2024 (Information for Candidates taking coursework (published by JCQ))
IFC Written Examinations 2024 (Information for Candidates taking written exams (published by JCQ))
Additional exam briefings are held for students retaking exams in October/November and January.
Candidates need to be aware of the exam board Data Protection and Privacy Policies. They can be found here:
Edexcel / Pearson
Cambridge International

Non-examination assessment
A number of qualifications include some element of non-examination assessment or coursework to enable candidates to demonstrate skills, knowledge and understanding in a different way to written examinations. The British School of Bucharest follows all exam board guidance regarding preparing, submitting and marking of the work. All work will be marked and internally moderated according to the requirements of the specification.
When students are informed of the mark awarded, they have five working days to submit a request for a review of marking using the form and process outlined by the Exams Officer in the Briefing. Appeals of this nature can only be made on the basis of mis-application of the mark scheme or failure to adhere to JCQ or awarding body regulations.
Forms and further guidance are published to students on the Exams at BSB Google Classroom and are available by emailing exams@britishschool.ro.

BSB Exams Policy
The British School of Bucharest has an Exams Policy in line with the regulations set out by JCQ (Joint Qualifications Council). It is reviewed annually in October. The Exams Policy will be applied as written to other exam boards unless the regulations of the other exam board override the policy as written. Examples of this include – Access to Scripts service is unavailable for Cambridge examinations and Cambridge examinations have a published Key Time rather than Start Time.
The exams policies include the following and are available on request from exams@britishschool.ro or office@britishschool.ro: BSB Access Arrangements Policy, BSB Certificate Issue Procedure and Retention Policy, BSB Complaints Policy (Exams), BSB Conflicts of Interest Policy, BSB Emergency Evacuation Policy (Exams), BSB Exam Contingency Plan, BSB Exams Archiving Policy, BSB Internal Appeals Procedure (Internal assessment decisions), BSB Internal Appeals Procedure (Review of Results and Appeals), BSB Leaving the Exam Room Policy, BSB Malpractice Policy, BSB Non-examination Assessment Policy, BSB Summoning Assistance from the Exam Room Policy, BSB Alternative Rooming Policy, BSB Special Considerations Policy, BSB Whistleblowing Policy (Exams), BSB Use of a Word Processor Policy (Exams).