BSB Reporters

The BSB Reporters are a group of voluntary writers wanting to give community members an insight into the BSB School life from an honest, relevant and impartial perspective.

Besides working on the School magazine, the BSB reporters have launched a passion project – the Mosaic magazine. A collection of ‘think and feel’ pieces on topics ranging from psychology to sport, from Kanye West to COVID vaccination, penned by BSB students and some exceptional guest peers. The result is refreshingly punk and an excellent read.

The Beginning of Mosaic

The story behind its inception started just like any other good story does. One day, three friends, colleagues and students at the British School of Bucharest walked side by side and synchronicity, or was it fate, made them all have the same thought: ‘I want to leave something behind when I leave BSB. Something that will inspire others to search out clues to figure out the wonders of the World. Or maybe share the beauty of a random thought?’

Fast forward to today! Although Laura and Emilia are Alumni now and on their road from BSB, their heart project, the ‘Mosaic’ magazine, is still going strong with other BSB reporters at the helm. Check out the last issues.

Mosaic Issue no.1 Mosaic Issue no.2 Mosaic Issue no.3 Mosaic Issue no.4

Articles Written by the Talented BSB Reporters