The British School of Bucharest is committed to developing confident, motivated, self-disciplined learners who can realise their full potential and make responsible contributions to the world. We recognise that some of our students have exceptionally high academic ability in one or multiple subjects and others have exceptional expressive or creative skills.
Our teachers are experienced and able to identify our More Able & Talented students and then challenge and support them to ensure that their individual needs are met both within and outside the curriculum. We aim to identify them early and monitor and develop them throughout all Key Stages. Furthermore, we recognise that many of our pupils with unique talents and abilities speak English as an additional language, which will be considered in identification.

The school uses a range of agreed criteria and sources of evidence. These may include:
- SATs/CATs tests
- Half-termly tests
- Non-verbal reasoning tests
- Attributes and subject-specific checklists
- Staff nomination
- Information from parents, carers and outside agencies
- Student interviews
- Student products/portfolios
We keep updated records (a register) of students who show particular or general exceptional ability within the curriculum, but we recognise that students develop at different rates. Therefore, the number and members of the identified group of students will change over time in line with individuals’ development.

Aims of Provision for More Able & Talented Students
- To encourage all students to engage in open inquiry, creativity, decision-making and independent thought.
- To provide opportunities for students to work at higher cognitive levels.
- To provide opportunities for students to develop specific skills and talents.
- To encourage students to reflect on the process of their own learning and to understand the factors that help make them progress.
- To encourage students to take managed risks and to play an active role in their learning.
- To foster the development of a well-rounded and balanced individual, both intellectually and socially.
- To encourage students to be open to ideas and initiatives presented by others, thus promoting the importance of citizenship and collaboration.
- To encourage all learners to develop to their full potential