Co-curricular Activities
We offer our students the possibility to explore their interests and passions via a wealth of co-curricular activities that include arts and crafts projects, cooking, music, academic extension classes such as language learning, writing support and computer skills, mathematical games and sport. We encourage our students to enrol in at least two activities every term, acquire new skills and abilities, and develop their confidence.

Students’ experience at the British School of Bucharest is significantly enhanced through ‘BSB Journeys’ as students learn best when they are involved in their learning. These journeys are essential to their education, allowing for broader experiential learning. Through ‘BSB Journeys’, students discover places and people, build bridges with new cultures and acquire new life skills.

Food Technology Studio
In our innovative and fully stocked Food Technology Studio, our students discover and develop new skills which enable them to explore their creativity.During Secondary School, they learn how to work in a kitchen environment safely and improve their understanding of working with food hygienically. They learn various techniques while preparing a range of dishes from all over the globe and discover ways to reproduce their favourite foods at home. In the Food Technology Studio, students will achieve a sense of empowerment and the confidence to make positive choices about their health and well-being through their diet whilst inspiring others to do the same.

Careers Guidance
At the British School of Bucharest, students are prepped and ready to tackle the world. Covering careers, enterprise and work experience, students develop employability skills that set them up for their future careers. We do this by implementing various schemes throughout the different Key Stages.
The Gatsby Benchmarks help us create a programme that provides students with the best education, information, guidance, advice and support. Using these benchmarks, we ensure that the students develop employability skills such as the following.

More Able & Talented
The British School of Bucharest is committed to developing confident, motivated, self-disciplined learners who can realise their full potential and make responsible contributions to the world. We recognise that some of our students have exceptionally high academic ability in one or multiple subjects and others have exceptional expressive or creative skills.
Our teachers are experienced and able to identify our More Able & Talented students and then challenge and support them to ensure that their individual needs are met both within and outside the curriculum. We aim to identify them early and monitor and develop them throughout all Key Stages. Furthermore, we recognise that many of our pupils with unique talents and abilities speak English as an additional language, which will be considered in identification.