Fencing Offers More to Karina
Karina, Year 9 student, started fencing almost 7 years ago.
Fencing has offered her much more than just physical education – as she says herself: “It is like my second home, a place where I grew up and developed and where I learned not only how to fence but also many life lessons, as well as gaining many exciting experiences and memories that I will cherish forever! This sport means a lot to me and I wouldn’t be who I am now without it”.
Although Karina has been part of the BSB community for only a short while, she finds it a very welcoming and supportive place where she has already made amazing friends and where she feels that she can continue her academic journey successfully. Her education is a priority to Karina: “My education forms a big part of my development, helping me excel both, academically and sports wise.”
Congratulations from everyone here at BSB and good luck at the European and World Championships! ‘En garde’, Karina!
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