‘Lest We Forget’ to thank The First World War generation on Remembrance Day
BSB is proud of a strong tradition in helping others and our pupils are always happy to ‘be there’ for those in need. Commemorative events bring the BSB community closely together – teachers and staff, children and parents. ‘Lest we forget’ was the main theme at BSB for the whole week leading up to Remembrance Day, when we were involved for the 10th year in the emotional and inspirational campaign organised by The Royal British Legion, a fundraising annual event held in November. Over the last 5 years, we have donated over 5000 euros to this worthy cause and we’re really happy to show in this way our respect for the First World War heroes.
“It’s an honour to be part, year by year, in such an emotional initiative organised by The Royal British Legion, and an even more special occasion this year, for the 100 year celebration of the end of the First World War. For one week, the school was filled with poppies and it was a great chance to discuss with children about Remembrance Day, about sacrifice, respect and legacy. BSB is involved whenever possible in charity and tries to support the causes it really believes in. Donations to The Royal British Legion are some with a special symbolism. We have a long 10 year collaboration by now and we’re happy to see that, year by year, we are donating more to their cause, involving all the BSB community, from staff to students and their families”, said Philip Walters, Headmaster of BSB.
For all those currently serving in the Armed Forces, veterans, their families and dependants, the BSB community engaged in the Poppy Appeal, wearing poppies in school for a full week before Remembrance Day and also selling them, together with poppy pins and arm bands, for a minimum donation of 5 lei.
On Remembrance Sunday, alongside dignitaries, diplomats and high-ranking military personnel from many different countries, several BSB teachers and parents together with our Head Boy and Head Girl were at the Commonwealth War Cemetery at Tancabesti and laid a poppy wreath from the British School of Bucharest. The invitation came from The British Embassy in Romania which appreciates our involvement in the Royal British Legion’s charity events. We were honoured last year to receive a letter of gratitude for our important contribution.
The poppy is a unique symbol in Great Britain and the Commonwealth, marking the end of the First World War and always associated with the 11th November, also called Remembrance Day. On this day, at 11am, the truce between the Powers of Entente and Germany came into force, ending the First World War and creating the conditions for the Great Union to be established in Romania on 1 December 1918. In this context, it is usual to observe two minutes of silence on the Sunday before the 11th November at 11am to honour the soldiers who sacrificed their lives during the First World War.
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