F1 in Schools

Following an intense competition and a demanding presentation to senior school staff and guests, RPD Racing have emerged as winners of the inaugural F1 in Schools competition in Romania.

As a result they will go forward to represent both the school and the country in the World Championships in Austin, Texas next October. Ioana, Dilara, Harriet, Clara and Finn combined their abilities and ideas and worked hard to realise their dream of qualifying for the World Finals. However, the journey is only just beginning. They now need to raise the funds in the form of sponsorship for further research and development, travel and accommodation as well as entry fees and marketing costs. They face five months of pressure and hard work but will be rewarded with the experience of a lifetime. Their press release states that they “worked in a friendly environment with good communication, where teamwork was appreciated and sustained by all members. It was a useful experience for us to divide the workload into separate roles and everyone had the chance to make an important contribution to the project and to practice these skills for further life lessons”.

If you would like to get involved in the project please get in touch with the team (racingrpd@gmail.com), follow them on Twitter and Facebook and look out for further information as we near the finals.

F1 in Schools is the only global multi-disciplinary challenge that inspires students to use DT to learn about physics, aerodynamics, design, manufacture, branding, graphics, sponsorship, marketing, leadership and teamwork, media skills and financial strategy whilst encouraging them to use those skills in a practical, imaginative, competitive and exciting way.

Please note that the British School of Bucharest is not responsible for the content on external pages and, as usual, we advise you to monitor your children’s online activity.

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