The Primary programme we teach offers a comprehensive and well-balanced curriculum that provides children with many opportunities to develop positive attitudes to learning at the beginning of their education. We teach the British Curriculum for Primary School entirely in English, and emphasise Literacy and Numeracy throughout Key Stages 1 and 2.

Teaching Approach
Our thematic approach to delivering the curriculum allows learning to be integrated across subjects through extended topics. Topics are often launched through exciting problem-solving events which stimulate high levels of engagement and bring the themes to life for the students.

Key Stage 1
- Years 1 & 2
- For children aged 5-6 (the pupil’s age on 31st August for a September start)
Key Stage 1 provides pupils with a varied and stimulating curriculum. Our classrooms are housed within a calm and caring atmosphere, and we focus on creating a respectful and close rapport with our students.
English and Mathematics are taught daily within the British Curriculum for Primary. In Science, History, Geography, Art, Design Technology, Computer Science, Digital Literacy, PSHE and Music, children learn about the world in which they live and develop their creativity, physical expression and skills in both enquiry and socialisation.
All subjects are taught by Class Teachers, apart from Physical Education and Music, which are delivered by Specialist Teachers.
Key Stage 1

Key Stage 2
- Years 3, 4, 5 & 6
- For children aged 7-10 (the pupil’s age on 31st August for a September start)
As pupils move on to Key Stage 2, they develop increased independence as learners. Their strengths are supported by teachers who deliver a dynamic and rigorous curriculum while creating a positive and nurturing environment.
The development of self-esteem and respect for others are essential aspects of our programme, and we encourage children to take more responsibility for themselves and others.
English, Mathematics and Science are the core subjects within the British Curriculum for Primary. The Class Teacher also teaches Computer Science, History, Geography, Art, Design Technology, and Personal, Social, Health Education. Specialist Teachers deliver Music, Physical Education, Modern Foreign Languages and Drama. We currently offer the following Modern Foreign Languages: Spanish, French, German and Mandarin.
Key Stage 2